This wine is just divine it is an absolute cracker. You will be looking for a Genie to refill the bottle. This Tempranillo comes from Valencia, of the famed oranges. We’ve not met a single person who doesn’t like this wine! Its like a very sophisticated version of cherry cola. Cherry cola for aristocrats and queens! So yummy its hard not to finish the bottle.
Radio Boka is from Valencia. You’ve probably heard of Valencia in reference to its famous oranges, or its famous dish, the Paella. There’s also a raucous festival in Valencia, The Falles, known worldwide for its all night revelry. But Valencia also produces a very fine Tempranillo. The Tempranillo in Radio Boca grows mostly on the mountainside, on head pruned vines 25-50 years old. Altitude with attitude. The soils vary from dark miocene to chalky lime. Balmy days, brisk nights. What’s not to like for a vine living in Valencia? The people from Valencia make a point of getting the most out of life. So do the wines.
We think when you try Radio Boka you are going to want to tell people about it. Its the most over-achieving Tempranillo we’ve ever found. Melted chocolate, cassis cordial, briary raspberry vine, Indian spice market.
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